
What is Software Compare?

It is hard to find simple and objective data on software online, and this may lead to users being unsure as to which piece of software works best for them.

Software Compare aims to provide people tools to choose software that best suits their needs. The charts compare an assortment of criteria such as privacy, usability, etc. which allow users to assess their own needs and decide which software suits them best.

Who Maintains this Site?

This website was created and maintained by David Collini. He is currently majoring in Computer Science at Stevens Institute of Technology. He has a have a strong focus on digital privacy and open source software.

How is this site funded?

This site does not make money on its own, and relies on donations. I'm currently working on opening donations through Brave Creators, multiple crypto wallets, and Liberapay. If you enjoy the work I put into this site, consider making a donation to support further development and maintenance of the site.

Work in progress

This site is always being updated and maintained, if you have any features or suggestions, please open an issue on Github. I am open to pull requests if you would like to contribute code.

Contact me

You can contact me on Twitter, Discord, and Github.


I licensed this site under the Open Source AGPLv3 license and am currently hosting it on Github pages. The repository can be found here.

Software Compare is not associated with any of the software it portrays on its site.


- The software project has to be maintained in at least the last six months

Similar Projects / Inspirations

This website was inspired mainly by PrivacyTests.org, Secure Messaging Apps, Eylenburg's Site and Techlore's Vpn Toolkit. Thank you for all your amazing work on these projects!